The Constitution of Ukraine

The constitution of Ukraine is the organic law of the state, which norms are norms of direct action. Constitution is the political and legal document in which find the concentrated, official expression and fastening the main, base foundations public and  state system: a government accessory, character of the property, the right and freedom of citizens, there is national that means  the state mode and it is administrative that means the territorial device, and also system and principles of activity of the mechanism of realization of sovereignty of people. It makes out national system of the right, connects together the current legislation, defines legality and law and order bases in the country. Article 1 by the constitution of Ukraine  places emphasis such information: "Ukraine is a sovereign and independent, democratic, social, a lawful state (country)". All 15 sections which comprises constitution serve as acknowledgement of the position fixed in a preamble and in first article of the constitution. In particular in article 3 it is marked so: "the human, his life and health, honor and advantage, inviolability and safety admit Ukraine the highest social value. The rights and freedoms  of the human  and their guarantee define the maintenance and an orientation of activity of the state. The state answers before the human  for the activity. The statement and maintenance of the rights and freedom of the human is the main duty of the state." .

All section 2 by the constitution of Ukraine is devoted the rights, freedom and duties of the human and the citizen, in particular in item 36, 37 item is provided that citizens have the right to participation in trade unions for the purpose of protection of the labor and social and economic rights and interests which underlie activity of trade unions (further - trade unions). In article 36 the basic legal definition of trade unions and an order of their formation is made. Articles 42 - 46 provide such fundamental laws of the person and the citizen as: the right to employment by enterprise activity, the right to work, the right of those who works on strike, a right to rest and the right to social protection. Protection above the listed rights of citizens represents a main objective of activity and existence of trade unions as those.

In the following sections the basic functions, powers, forms and methods of formation and election of public authorities (the President of Ukraine as guarantor of the sovereignty of the state, Supreme Body (Soviet)  of Ukraine, Cabinet of ministers of Ukraine and other bodies of the central executive power, local governments, judicial authority bodies, in particular the Constitutional court of Ukraine, control and  supervising bodies) reveal. In item 68 it is directly designated that everyone is obliged to observe steadily the Constitution of Ukraine and laws of Ukraine, not to encroach on the rights and freedom, honor and advantage of other people. On protection against infringements of the rights and freedom of one’s human guaranteed the constitution, norms national and international law should build the activity all public authorities.